Table of contents

Interpolation in 2D

Interpolating from nodal values. Give som field in the nodal values of an element we can compute values somewhere inside the element using the basis functions as an interpolant. This section shows how to do this and how the choice of basis functions effect the interpolation accuracy.

Bi-linear interpolation

Given some element in 2D

P = [0   0
     1.0   0
     0.9  1.0
     -0.1,  1.2];

We have some discrete scalar field in the nodes P\bf P given by U\bf U

U = [20

We can visualize this by

patch("Faces",[1,2,3,4],'Vertices', P, 'CData', U, 'FaceColor', 'interp')
hold on; axis equal tight; colormap jet; colorbar
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','k')

Now we want to know what the value uhu_h is in the point (x,y)\left(x,y\right).

We can use the basis functions for a four-noded quadliteral element to interpolate the nodal values. See how to derive basis functions or just grab the pre-computed basis functions. We have, for the element above, the basis functions defined for the parametric coordinates ξ,η[0,1]\xi ,\eta \in \left\lbrack 0,1\right\rbrack

φ(ξ,η)=[(1ξ)(1η)ξ(1η)ξηη(1ξ)]T \bm \varphi(\xi,\eta)= \begin{bmatrix}(1-\xi)(1-\eta)\\ \xi(1-\eta)\\ \xi\eta\\ \eta(1-\xi) \end{bmatrix}^{\mathrm{T}}
phi = @(xi,eta)[(eta-1.0).*(xi-1.0),-xi.*(eta-1.0),eta.*xi,-eta.*(xi-1.0)];

Now, we can easily interpolate uhu_h using parametric coordinates by uh(ξ,η)=φ(ξ,η)Pu_h \left(\xi ,\eta \right)= \bm \varphi \left(\xi ,\eta \right) \bf P

syms xi eta 
Uh = phi(xi, eta)*U; 
Uh = simplify(Uh)
uh(ξ,η)=5η+10ξ+5ηξ+20 u_h(\xi,\eta)= 5\,\eta +10\,\xi +5\,\eta \,\xi +20

E.g., in the midpoint we have uh(ξ=0.5,η=0.5)u_h \left(\xi =0\ldotp 5,\eta =0\ldotp 5\right)

ans = 28.7500

The issue is when we actually want the values uhu_h as functions of the coordinates x,yx,y, i.e., u(x,y)u(x,y), we need to solve a system of equations which, depending on the geometry of the element (the coordinates P\bf P), will be either linear or non-linear. For instance when P\bf P is affine:

P = [0    0
     2.0  0
     2.0  1.0
     0,   1];

patch("Faces",[1,2,3,4],'Vertices', P, 'FaceColor', 'w')
hold on; axis equal tight;
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','k')

We want to solve φ(ξ,η)P=[x,y]\bm{\varphi} \left(\xi ,\eta \right) \mathbf P = \left\lbrack x, y\right\rbrack for ξ(x,y)\xi \left(x,y\right) and η(x,y)\eta \left(x,y\right)

syms x y
eqs = phi(xi, eta)*P == [x y];
eqs = simplify(eqs)
{x=2ξη=y \begin{cases} x=2\,\xi \\ \eta =y \end{cases}

we see that this is trivial

[xi, eta] = solve(eqs,[xi,eta])
ξ=x2,η=y \xi = \dfrac{x}{2}, \quad \eta = y

we can then substitute this into φ(ξ,η)\bm \varphi(\xi, \eta) to get φ(x,y)\bm \varphi \left(x,y\right)

[(x21)(y1)x(y1)2xy2y(x2)2]T\def\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{bmatrix} {\left(\frac{x}{2}-1\right)}\,{\left(y-1\right)} \\ -\frac{x\,{\left(y-1\right)} }{2} \\ \frac{x\,y}{2} \\ -\frac{y\,{\left(x-2\right)} }{2} \end{bmatrix}^T

which we can use as an interpolant to get

uh(x,y)=φ(x,y)U\boxed{ u_h \left(x,y\right)= \bm \varphi \left(x,y\right) \bf U }

If, however, the element is not affine, e.g.,

P = [0     0
     1.0   0
     0.9   1.0
     -0.1, 1.2];

patch("Faces",[1,2,3,4],'Vertices', P, 'FaceColor', 'w')
hold on; axis equal tight;
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','k')

using φ(ξ,η)P=[x,y]\bm \varphi \left(\xi ,\eta \right) \mathbf P = \left\lbrack x,y\right\rbrack and solving again for ξ(x,y)\xi \left(x,y\right) and η(x,y)\eta \left(x,y\right) we get the non-linear system of equations

syms x y xi eta
eqs = phi(xi, eta)*P == [x y];
eqs = simplify(eqs).'
{η+10x=10ξ6η=5y+ηξ \begin{cases} \eta +10\,x=10\,\xi \\ 6\,\eta =5\,y+\eta \,\xi \end{cases}

notice how we can not formulate a system of the form Aξ+Bη+C=0\mathbf A \xi + \mathbf B \eta +C=0. We can, however, solve this equation system symbolically to get two solutions

[xi, eta] = solve(eqs,[xi,eta])
xi =
(x2x212x2y+362+3x2+x212x2y+362+3) \def\arraystretch{2.5} \left(\begin{array}{c} \dfrac{x}{2}-\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2 -12\,x-2\,y+36} }{2}+3\\ \dfrac{x}{2}+\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2 -12\,x-2\,y+36} }{2}+3 \end{array}\right)
eta =
(305x212x2y+365x5x212x2y+365x+30) \def\arraystretch{2.5} \left(\begin{array}{c} 30-5\,\sqrt{x^2 -12\,x-2\,y+36}-5\,x\\ 5\,\sqrt{x^2 -12\,x-2\,y+36}-5\,x+30 \end{array}\right)

here, in the two solutions ξ1(x,y)\xi_1 \left(x,y\right) and ξ2(x,y)\xi_2 \left(x,y\right), only one is within the valid parametric space ξ,η[0,1]\xi ,\eta \in \left\lbrack 0,1\right\rbrack, which is ξ1\xi_1 and η1\eta_1 (after testing).

We can substitue the φ(ξ1,η1)\bm \varphi \left(\xi_1 ,\eta_1 \right) to get φ(x,y)\bm \varphi \left(x,y\right) which we can evaluate in all nodes, we should get the identiy matrix.

xi = xi(1); eta = eta(1);
phi_xy = matlabFunction(simplify(phi(xi,eta)))
phi_xy = 
ans = 4x4    
    1.0000         0         0         0
         0    1.0000         0         0
    0.0000         0    1.0000         0
         0         0         0    1.0000

Seems good! But note that, obviously, it is not efficient to have to deal with solving a non-linear system. Which is why we prefer to work in the parametric space if we can!

For our problem where we want to generate the function uh(x,y)u_h \left(x,y\right), we can now use uh(x,y)=φ(x,y)Uu_h \left(x,y\right)=\bm \varphi \left(x,y\right) \bf U

syms x y
Uh(x,y) = phi_xy(x,y)*U
110025y180x212x2y+36170x 1100-25\,y-180\,\sqrt{x^2 -12\,x-2\,y+36}-170\,x
Uh(0,0) = 20

Now to visualize the interpolated field, it is again much easier to to do in the parametric space, i.e.,

N = 100;
xi = linspace(0,1,N);
eta = xi;
[Xi, Eta] = meshgrid(xi,eta);
UH = phi(Xi(:),Eta(:))*U;

PP = phi(Xi(:),Eta(:))*P;
X = reshape(PP(:,1),N,N);
Y = reshape(PP(:,2),N,N);
UH = reshape(UH,N,N);

figure; axis equal tight; hold on
colormap jet; colorbar

Here we can clearly see the curved (non-linear) nature of the bi-linear interpolant.