Table of contents

2D Static Linear Elasticity - linear triangles

Solve the static linear elasticity PDE using linear triangle elements and an external traction force.

{σ=fin Ωσ=2με+λtrεIin Ωσn=Fon  E2uy=0on  E1ux=0on  E4 \left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} -\nabla \cdot \bm \sigma = \bm f & \textrm{in }\Omega \\ \bm \sigma =2\mu \bm \varepsilon + \lambda \textrm{tr} \bm \varepsilon \bm I & \textrm{in } \Omega \\ \bm \sigma \cdot \bm n = \bm F & \textrm{on}\;E_2 \\ \bm u_y =0 & \textrm{on}\;E_1 \\ \bm u_x =0 & \textrm{on}\;E_4 \end{array}\right.

Let E=2200MPa,E=2200\textrm{MPa}, ν=0.33\nu =0\ldotp 33, t=1  mmt=1\;\textrm{mm}, use plane stress and implement a solver to numerically find the displacement field and compute the stress field.

Solution strategy

Create a simple geometry that is verifiable by hand. In this case we will create a rectangle on which we can apply the load case shown in the figure above. We want to apply boundary conditions such that the rectangle is in pure tension, meaning we only have stress in the x-direction. All other stress i zero. Thus we can compute the displacement analytically:

δ=F  LE  A  and  σx=FA\delta =\dfrac{F\;L}{E\;A}\;\textrm{and}\;\sigma_x =\dfrac{F}{A}

where A=1t  mm2A=1\cdot {t\;\textrm{mm} }^2 and L=3  mmL=3\;\textrm{mm}.

Creating the geometry

This assumes you have access to the PDE toolbox in matlab. Check this by running ver. Otherwise you need to install that toolbox.

model = createpde;
R1 = [3,4,0,3,3,0,0,0,1,1]'; %Create a rectangle
gd = [R1];
sf = 'R1'; % What boolean operation are we running?
ns = char('R1')'; % Label the geometric entities, so we know which is which.
g = decsg(gd,sf,ns);
title('Imported geometry with regions')


Weak form: Find the displacement field u\bm u, with u=g\bm u = \bm g on the boundary ΩD\partial \Omega_D, such that

Ωσ(u):ε(v)  dΩ=Ωfv  dΩ+ΩFvdsv  that  are  0  on  ΩD          (1) \int_{\Omega } \bm \sigma \left(\bm u\right):\bm \varepsilon \left(\bm v\right)\;d\Omega =\int_{\Omega } \bm f\cdot \bm v\;d\Omega +\int_{\partial \Omega } \bm F \cdot \bm v ds \quad \forall v\;\textrm{that}\;\textrm{are}\;0\;\textrm{on}\;\partial \Omega_D \;\;\;\;\;\left(1\right)

We have (using the Mandel notation), the element stiffness matrix

SK=K(2μBεTBε+λBDBD)d  K\bm S_K =\int_K \left(2\mu {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_{\varepsilon }^T {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_{\varepsilon } +\lambda {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_D {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_D \right)d\;K

the element load vector (zero in our problem)

fK=KΦTf(x)dK\bm f_K =\int_K \bm \Phi^T \bm f \left(\bm x\right) dK

the traction (external force) vector

gE=EΦETt(x)dE\bm g_E =\int_E \bm \Phi_E^T \bm t \left(\bm x\right) dE

where EE denotes edge (in 2D, where as in 3D it would be a surface). The edge element is one spatial dimension lower, we are formulating the equations on an edge instead of a triangle. For the edge element we have

ΦE=2D  lin[φ1E0φ2E00φ1E0φ2E],φE=2D  lin[1+ξξ] \bm \Phi_E \overset{2D\;\textrm{lin} }{=} \left\lbrack \begin{array}{cccc} \varphi_1^E & 0 & \varphi_2^E & 0\\ 0 & \varphi_1^E & 0 & \varphi_2^E \end{array}\right\rbrack , \quad \bm \varphi^E \overset{2D\;\textrm{lin} }{=} \left\lbrack \begin{array}{cc} 1+\xi & \xi \end{array}\right\rbrack Bε:=[φ1x0φ2x00φ1y0φ2y12φ1y12φ1x12φ2y12φ2x] \bm B_{\varepsilon } :=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccccc} \dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial x} & 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial x} & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial y} & 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial y} & \cdots \\ \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial y} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial x} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial y} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial x} & \cdots \end{array}\right\rbrack Bdiv:=[φ  1xφ  1yφ  2xφ  2y] \bm B_{\textrm{div} } :=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccccc} \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;1} }{\partial x} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;1} }{\partial y} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;2} }{\partial x} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;2} }{\partial y} & \cdots \end{array}\right\rbrack uK(x)UK(x)=[φ1(x)0φ2(x)0φ3(x)00φ1(x)0φ2(x)0φ3(x)]ΦK(x)2x6[ux1uy1ux2uy2ux3uy3]6x1 \bm u_K \left(\bm x \right)\approx \bm U_K \left(\bm x \right)={\underset{\Phi_K \left(\bm x \right)}{\underbrace{\left\lbrack \begin{array}{cccccc} \varphi_1 \left(\bm x \right) & 0 & \varphi_2 \left(\bm x \right) & 0 & \varphi_3 \left(\bm x \right) & 0\\ 0 & \varphi_1 \left(\bm x \right) & 0 & \varphi_2 \left(\bm x \right) & 0 & \varphi_3 \left(\bm x \right) \end{array}\right\rbrack } } }_{2\textrm{x6} } {\left\lbrack \begin{array}{c} u_x^1 \\ u_y^1 \\ u_x^2 \\ u_y^2 \\ u_x^3 \\ u_y^3 \end{array}\right\rbrack }_{6\textrm{x1} }


Create the mesh

% Start with the mesh
h = 5 %mm
h = 5
mesh = generateMesh(model, 'Hmax', h, 'Hmin', h/2,...
    'hgrad',1.99, 'GeometricOrder', 'linear');
% pdemesh(mesh)

P = mesh.Nodes';
nodes = mesh.Elements';

% Visualize the mesh
figure; hold on
patch('Vertices', P, 'Faces', nodes,'FaceColor', 'c', ...
axis equal tight

text(P(:,1)-0.03,P(:,2),cellstr(num2str([1:size(P,1)]')), ...
for iel = 1:size(nodes,1)
    inod = nodes(iel,:);
    xm = mean(P(inod,1));
    ym = mean(P(inod,2));
[nele, knod] = size(nodes);
[nnod, dof] = size(P);
neq = nnod*dof;

phi = @(xi,eta)[1-xi-eta, xi, eta];
Bh = [-1,1,0

Material model

E = 2200; %MPa
nu = 0.33;
t = 1; %mm

%Plane Stress
lambda = E*nu/(1-nu^2);
mu = E/(2*(1+nu));

Compute the stiffness matrix

SK=K(2μBεTBε+λBDBD)d  K \bm S_K =\int_K \left(2\mu {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_{\varepsilon }^T {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_{\varepsilon } +\lambda {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_D {\mathit{\mathbf{B} } }_D \right)d\;K Bε:=[φ1x0φ2x00φ1y0φ2y12φ1y12φ1x12φ2y12φ2x]\bm B_{\varepsilon } :=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccccc} \dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial x} & 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial x} & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial y} & 0 & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial y} & \cdots \\ \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial y} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_1 }{\partial x} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial y} & \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2} }\dfrac{\partial \varphi_2 }{\partial x} & \cdots \end{array}\right\rbrack Bdiv:=[φ  1xφ  1yφ  2xφ  2y]\bm B_{\textrm{div} } :=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{ccccc} \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;1} }{\partial x} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;1} }{\partial y} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;2} }{\partial x} & \dfrac{\partial \varphi_{\;2} }{\partial y} & \cdots \end{array}\right\rbrack
% Pre-allocate 
S = zeros(neq,neq);
sq = 1/sqrt(2);
for iel = 1:nele
    inod = nodes(iel,:);
    iP = P(inod,:);
    locdof = zeros(1,6);
    locdof(1:2:end) = inod*2-1;
    locdof(2:2:end) = inod*2;

    J = Bh*iP;
    area = det(J) * 1/2;

    B = J\Bh;

    Beps = zeros(3,6);
    Beps(1,1:2:end) = B(1,:);
    Beps(2,2:2:end) = B(2,:);
    Beps(3,1:2:end) = sq*B(2,:);
    Beps(3,2:2:end) = sq*B(1,:);

    Bdiv = zeros(1,6);
    Bdiv(1:2:end) = B(1,:);
    Bdiv(2:2:end) = B(2,:);

    Se = t*(2*mu*Beps'*Beps + lambda*Bdiv'*Bdiv)*area;

    S(locdof, locdof) = S(locdof, locdof) + Se;

% figure
% spy(S)

Traction load

E2 = findNodes(mesh,'region','Edge',2);
fload = [100,0]';


eleInds = find(sum(ismember(nodes,E2),2)>1);

F = zeros(neq,1);
ieqs = zeros(2*2,1);
PHI = zeros(2,4);
L = 0;
nele = length(eleInds);
for iel = 1:nele
    indTri = eleInds(iel);
    iTri = nodes(indTri,:);
    iEdgeNodes = iTri(ismember(iTri,E2));

    ieqs(1:2:end) = 2*iEdgeNodes-1; %x-dofs
    ieqs(2:2:end) = 2*iEdgeNodes-0; %y-dofs
    xc = P(iEdgeNodes,:);
    h = norm(xc(end,:)-xc(1,:));
    L = L + h;

    xi = 0.5; iw = 1;
    PHI(1,1:2:end) = phi(xi);
    PHI(2,2:2:end) = phi(xi);

    fe = PHI'*fload(:)*t*h*iw;

    F(ieqs) = F(ieqs) + fe;

F = F/(L*t);

Verify the traction load

ans = 100

Visualize the load vector

figure; hold on
patch('Vertices', P, 'Faces', nodes,'FaceColor', 'c', ...
    'EdgeAlpha',0.1,'DisplayName','linear mesh')
axis equal tight

quiver(P(E2,1), P(E2,2), F(E2*2-1), F(E2*2-0),'b', ...

Essential boundary conditions

u = zeros(neq,1);

Edge 1

E1 = findNodes(mesh,'region','Edge',1);
% Prescribe displacements
u(E1*2) = 0; %y-displacements

Edge 4

E4 = findNodes(mesh,'region','Edge',4);
% prescribed displacement
u(E4*2-1) = 0; %x-displacements

hl = legend('show'); 
set(hl,'Position',[0.60 0.69 0.20 0.20]);

Modify the right-hand side

S  u=fSp  up\mathbf{S}\;\mathbf{u}=\mathbf{f}-{\mathbf{S} }_{\mathbf{p} } \;{\mathbf{u} }_{\mathbf{p} }
presc = unique([E4*2-1, E1*2]);
free = setdiff(1:neq,presc);

F = F - - S(:,presc)*u(presc);

Solve the linear system

u(free) = S(free,free)\F(free);

Visualize the displacement field

U = [u(1:2:end), u(2:2:end)];
UR = sum(U.^2,2).^0.5;
scale = 3;
figure; hold on
patch('Vertices', P+U*scale, 'Faces', nodes,'FaceColor', 'interp', ...
axis equal tight
title(['Displacement field, scale: ',num2str(scale)])


A=1*t; L = 3; f = 100;
deltax = f*L/(E*A)
deltax = 0.1364
deltay = -nu*(deltax/L)*1
deltay = -0.0150
ux = U(E2,1)
ux = 2x1    
uy = U(findNodes(mesh,'region','Edge',3),2)
uy = 2x1    

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